Step 1:
Enroll in Apple Developer Program, using the following link to register.
[1] Choose an enrollment type.
[2] Submit your information.
[3] Purchase and activate your account.
Step 2:
Download Certificates:
With Certificate we can submit or test an application on iPhone. It comes with code sign(Signatures) which would verified when an application is submitted on apple store or when tested on iPhone.
One has to go through two step procedure to create a certificate from developer portal. Follow the steps give in “iPhone Developer Portal”
[A.] Create Certificates from your Mac:
Generating a Certificate Signing Request:
[1] Open the Utilities folder and launch Keychain Access from the Applications folder.
[2] Set the value of Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to “off” in the Preferences Menu.
[3] Select Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
[4] Fill in your email address in User Email Address Field. Confirm that this email address is same as provided at the time of registering as iPhone developer.
[5] Fill in your name in the Common Name field. Confirm that this name is same as provided at the time of registering as iPhone developer.
[6] It is not necessary to have an Certificate Authority (CA). The ‘Required’ message would be eliminated after finishing the following step.
[7] Click the ‘save to disk’ radio button if prompted, choose ‘Let me specify key pair information’ and proceed.
[8] If you choose ‘Let me specify key pair’ option then one has provide a file name and click ‘Save’. Select ‘2048 bits’ for Key Size and ‘RSA’ for the algorithm in next screen and proceed.
[9] CSR file would created on the desktop by Certificate Authority.
[B.] Submitting a Certificate Signing Request for Approval:
[1] Once CSR file is created log in to the iPhone developer program portal and go to ‘Certificates’> ‘Development’ and select ‘Add Certificate’.
[2] Click the ‘Choose file’ button, select your CSR and click ‘Submit’. The portal will reject the CSR if Key Size is not set to 2048 bit at the time of CSR creation.
[3] This will followed by notification to Team Admins by email of the certificate request.
[4] The change in the certificate status would informed by email on approval or rejection of the CSR by Team Admin.
Download/Installing Certificate on your machine
[5] Once the CSR is approved the Team Members and Team Admins can download their certificates via the ‘Certification’ section of the Program Portal. Choose ‘Download’ next to the certificate name to download your iPhone development certificate to your local machine.
[6] Once this is done double-click the .cer file to launch Keychain Access and install your certificate.
On installation of certificate on your MAC the next step is to create an App ID. You have to follow this step only once and late you don’t have to make certificates for your other applications.
Step 3:
Create an App ID (Bundle Identifier):
[1] Go to ‘App IDs’ and click ‘App ID’ after logging in to iPhone developer program portal.
[2] Populate the ‘App Id Name’ field with your application name (that is – iPhone app) and in ‘App Id’ enter something like com.yourdomain.applicationname and click submit.
[3] Please do note down the “App ID” as this would be utilized in Info.plist, bundle identifier tag.
Step 4:
Create a Provisioning file for our Xcode:
[1] After you navigate to ‘Provisioning’> ‘Distribution’ click ‘Add Profile’ in iPhone developer program portal.
[2] Choose “App Store” in “Distribution Method”.
[3] In “Profile Name” enter your application name (i.e iPhoneApp) which will be your provisioning profile name as well.
[4] In “App ID” select the app name(i.e. iPhoneApp) which you created in Step 3(Create an App ID).
[5] After downloading the Provisioning profile copy it to your/YourUserName/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profile.

Step 5:
Creating binary which would submit it to Appstore:
Now everything is step up, open your project in Xcode
[1] Click “i” Info button after selecting your project from “Group & File” in left side bar.
[2] Navigate to “Configuration” tab and select “Release”. Click the “Duplicate” button from bottom, name is “iPhoneDistribution”.
[3] Click on “Build” tab and choose “iPhoneDistribution” and enter in “Search in Build Settings” filed ‘Base SDK’ and select the current selected Device and change to what gadget your application is targeting.
[4] Now in “Search in build setting” field enter “code signing identity” and choose the provisioning profile created earlier in Step 4. Apply the same to the child property “Any iPhone OS Device”.
[5] Once this done close the Info screen and select the “Target”> “Your App” from “Group & File” in left side bar and click on “Info” button again from Xcode.
[6] To be on the safer side repeat step 3 and 4.
[7] With the Info screen still open click on “Properties” tab and enter “App Id” in Identifier field.
[8] Now that all is done, click on “Build” (cmd+B) from Xcode>Build.
[9] Create the archive and validate
- a.) Select the Xcode project window.
- b.) Choose iOS Device from the scheme toolbar menu, we cannot create an archive of a simulator build.
- c.) Choose Product > Archive. The Archives organizer appears and displays the new archive.
- d.) In the Archives organizer, select the archive. Click the Validate button.
- e.) Enter your iTunes Connect credentials, and click Next.
- f.) Select the app you want to share and the appropriate signing identity, and click Next.
- g.) Review validation issues found, if any, and click Finish.
[10] Submit the archive to the App Store
- a.) In the Archives organizer, select the archive.
- b.) Click the Distribute button.
- c.) Select “Submit to the iOS App Store,” and click Next.
- d.) Enter your iTunes Connect credentials, and click Next.
- e.) Select the app you want to share and the appropriate signing identity, and click Next.
f.) Xcode runs the validation tests again. If issues are found, click Cancel and fix them before continuing. - g.) Enter a filename and location for the App Store package, and click Save.
Step 6:
Submit the binary file created to iTunesConnect.
[1] In your browser type https://itunesconnect.apple.com/ login using your iPhone developer account.
[2] Click on “Manage Your Account” > “Add Application”
[3] On replying to a simple question from apple you can submit your application to app store. You also need few things in your system before you submit your application.
a.) Application Name (must be unique)
b.) Application description
c.) Application Category
d.) URL for your application feedback.
e.) Icon of your application in 512 x 512 size.
f.) Main picture of your application in 320 x 480 or 320 x 460 size. (You have option to submit up to 4 more pictures of your application).

Information required for AppStore Deployment :
AppName (required / not editable)
Your app name must be unique - you can't use the same name as another app on the App Store.
The name must conform to guidelines for using Apple trademarks and copyrights.
Default Language:
"English" or any other.
Availability Date:
When your app will be available for download (for free apps) or purchase-and-download.
The pricing matrix the app prices for different tiers.
- Tier 0 = Free
- Tier 1 = 0.99
- Tier 2 = 1.99
- Tier 3 = 2.99
- Tier 4 = 3.99
- etc.
If you have a Paid Applications contract in effect, iTunes Connect allows you to schedule price tier changes for your apps over time. Scheduling is useful for sales and other temporary pricing changes that have a definite beginning and end date, as well as permanent pricing changes that have no end. For example, you might offer a promotional price for a month and then return to the regular price.
Version Number:
Usually start with 1.0. Then, while we update the app to respond to suggestions and constructive criticism, we can move on to 1.1 and eventually version 2.0.
Copyright Information:
Use a line such as © Copyright your name 2013. All rights reserved.
Primary Category:
Choose the category that best describes your app. This can't be changed once your app is in review.
Category like "Education" Or "Game" suits our app.
Secondary Category:
It could be "education" or "games" something like this.
Description (4000 characters):
When you go through the process of uploading your data, the field you have to paste this into will say you're limited to 4,000 characters. Apple suggests no more than 700. Don't include HTML tags; they will be stripped out when the data is uploaded. Only line breaks are respected.
Keywords (100 characters comma separated):
Keywords describe your app and are matched to App Store searches. Keywords can be changed only when you submit a new version.
Support URL (required) :
The web page for your app. This should include contact info for users who have questions about your app.
A support URL appears on the app product page at the App Store — this is the link users will click if they need technical support from you or have a question about your app.
Marketing URL:
You also need a company URL, which also appears on the app product page and enables potential customers to find out more about you.
Privacy Policy URL:
Contact Information (FirstName, LastName, email, Phone number including country code)
Review Notes:
Use this field to give demo account information with full access to Apple for purposes of reviewing your application. If your application requires specific settings, user registrations, or account information prior to submission to the App Store, be sure to include that information in this field. This is a text field visible only to the App Review team, so the information entered in this field will not appear on the App Store. You can also include general instructions or other relevant information about your application that you think would be useful for the review process.
Large App icon (1024x1024):
A large version of your app icon that will be used on the App Store. It must be at least 72 DPI and a minimum of 512x512 pixels (it cannot be scaled up). It must be flat artwork without rounded corners.
iPad Screenshots:
iPhone and iPod touch screenshots must be a .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png file that is 320x480, 480x320, 320x460, 480x300, 640x960, or 960x640 pixels, at least 72 DPI, and in the RGB color space. You may upload several images in one zip file. At least one screenshot. You can have up to five screenshots for each device type (iPhone, iPhone 5, and iPad).
See a demo practice link for uploading the app:

1. How often can you change the price?
You can set the price change start date and end date as per your wish, it will appear on iTunes as soon as the fixed date arrives.
2. Do we have any copyright information for our app?
The copyright info when you submitted your developer license.
If you have an company developer license, the company name will be shown there..
if you have an individual developer license, than your name and surname will be there.
Use a line such as © Copyright your name 2013. All rights reserved.
3. For the support/privacy policy/marketing URL. At this point we just have a facebook and twitter pages, would those suffice? We wouldn't want to put the backend URL that you are going to create for us as these links, right?
You should use an URL that represents your company.
You can also modify the URL later.
4. What would we put in review notes?
Use this field to give demo account information with full access to Apple for purposes of reviewing your application.
If your application requires specific settings, user registrations, or account information prior to submission to the App Store, be sure to include that information in this field.
This is a text field visible only to the App Review team, so the information entered in this field will not appear on the App Store. You can also include general instructions or other relevant information about your application that you think would be useful for the review process.
5. For the app icon, I can create one from the logos you guys have created unless you have an easier way to cut one from those logos.

Nice blog it is informative thank you for sharing iOS App Development Online Training